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Topic: Proposals

Go ! A Take on …
The Right to Cultural Self-management
- 25 October 2010 - by Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins
Culture, in its many manifestations, plays a leading social, political, and economic role. How, then, can cultural hegemony be avoided? The author of this article argues that we should demand that cultural policy should above all provide people with tools that will allow them to generate and manage their own cultural expression. We are currently experiencing a social, political, legal, and economic revaluation of culture, which is thereby playing an increasingly leading role, as much from (...)

Go ! A Take on ...
A Somewhat More Reasonable World
- 5 October 2010 - by Pierre-Marie Guillon
The author of this contribution proposes nothing less than doing away with the French army, from which we can easily extrapolate the idea of doing away with all armies. A bit provocative, right? If you think that this is worth a mini debate, feel free to state your opinion on this article in the “alliance” forum! Men like peace. Pacifist movements should therefore attract crowds of people. Yet this is not the case, and by far: a pacifist march will gather ten thousand times fewer people than (...)

Go ! A Take on …
Social Platform Asks That Migrants Have Human Rights Respected
- 30 September 2010 - by Natasha Pitts
Plataforma Social Migratoria Hermes asks that migrants be guaranteed security, equal opportunities, participation, and well-being. The 4th World Social Forum on Migration is approaching. The event, to be held from October 8 to 10 in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, motivated Plataforma Social Migratoria Hermes to publish its thinking and to place demands reflecting the need to treat the migrant population from Colombia and also from other countries as citizens with rights, no matter what (...)

Go ! Proposals for Building a New World-governance Architecture - 31 August 2009 - by Equipe du FnGM / FnWG team
Although there have been a few attempts at building a new world governance, the latter has remained largely embryonic. It is nonetheless possible, in the vast open space of world governance, to move forward in great strides, even with limited means, precisely because there is plenty of space. Advancing proposals is a risky, but indispensable enterprise. The Proposal Papers that have so far been contributed to the Forum for a new World Governance are there as a way of daring to consider the (...)

Go ! Youth Called upon to Make a Difference in Urban Habitat - 13 August 2009 - by John Anugraha
Being young is not a disadvantage, but on the contrary an asset in making a difference for the future, where the young are the first concerned! The UN estimates that by 2030, 60% of the population will be living in cities. Challenges in the cities will increase, hence their responsibilities to address issues such as economy, illiteracy, poverty, climate change, violence, housing, etc. The UN Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. (...)

Go ! Empowerment & Migration - 6 August 2007
The Empowerment & Migration project seeks to highlight the ways in which migrants find a place for themselves in the new country of residence. This integration can take many forms: finding a stable job, placing children in local schools, joining an association, playing in a sports team, contributing to the social welfare system, taking the new nationality, doing volunteer work, participating in the democratic process, etc. In establishing the E&M project, we place our professional (...)

Go ! Migration, the Media, and Responsibility in Chile - 20 February 2007 - by Ricardo Jiménez
We have recently seen a television program on Chile’s national television channel, on the subject of immigration. In substance, it suggested that failing the approval of an “Immigration Law,” immigrants could bring about a explosion of social protest similar to those played out in France and other European countries these past few years. The traumatic images of the violence of those events and of others of the Chilean past were mixed with short interjections by authorities and people (...)

Go ! An Outline of Specifications for the Development of Working Procedures and a Calendar - 2 September 2006
The following is a draft of proposals to meet these challenges based on the results of the consultation on the project for a Constituent Charter organized between May and October 2005.

Go ! The 2nd Stage of the Alliance has just started - 2 September 2006
Following the message from Pierre Calame, general manager of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, who informed you of the decision of the Foundation Board regarding the termination of the Foundation’s financial support to the Alliance, the Alliance Communication Team, which was in charge of facilitating the consultation on the project for a Constituent Charter, informs you of the following.

Go ! Constituent Charter of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World for its 2004 | 2010 Stage - 2 September 2006
The second stage of the Alliance implies that its nature, its objectives, and the common ethical principles referred to by the Allies be clarified.

Go ! Thirty years of Habitat I: no more neoliberal model of cities! - 24 June 2006
It is possible to build new cities thanks to a new urban social pact centered on the citizens. The failure of the neoliberal model of cities.

Go ! Development of the Citizens’ Earth - 14 June 2006
Citizens’ Earth - APM is a global network dynamics creator of new organizations, capable of international initiatives, and producer of about ten Proposal Papers on a global level on themes connected to agriculture, fishing, food, and the management of natural resources. It is a network that is adapting, and recomposing its form of operation and of governance. This memo presents in a summarized way the history of the development of the Citizens’ Earth - APM Network and its situation in May (...)

Go ! The Economy for the Third Millennium Will Be Spiritual or There Will Be No Economy! - 24 May 2006 - by Philippe Amouroux
Here is the last text written by Philippe Amouroux before he left this world. I believe that it represents his eco-spiritual testament. I am proud and happy to share it with you. Marcos Arruda. In the face of an economic globalization that is leading us straight into the jaws of disaster, the moment has come to ask ourselves what it is that the economy represents from the spiritual point of view. In examining this question we will discover that new forms of economy are emerging, forms that (...)

Go ! To Whom Does the City Belong? On the Right to the City - 29 June 2005 - by Fany Gashugi, Michel Ansay, Sarah Deutsch
"To whom does the city belong? Whose is the city?" wondered the Heinrich Böll Foundation in a long memorandum preliminary to the Johannesburg Summit in 2002. "The city, for whom and by whom?" wondered the UNESCO along similar lines in preparation for Habitat II in 1996. We would like to start from there, from "the right to the city". What is it about, in the North and in the South? This will be the basic question in this paper, which will move between the cities of the North and the cities (...)

Go ! FPH Proposes Constituent Charter for the Alliance - 17 May 2005
The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) recently presented a proposal for a Constituent Charter for the Alliance. This proposal was sent with a questionnaire by regular and electronic mail to all Allies, friends, contacts and partners of the Alliance. The answers to the questionnaire are posted on a new Web site as they are received. Everyone can react to them. This completely public opinion-gathering process will be continued through the month of May and (...)

Go ! Reforming the United Nations Organization and Redefining Global Governance - 25 March 2005 - by Gustavo Marin
Report of the meeting on the reform of the U.N. with the U.N. Secretariat on March 3, 2005 Following the annual Bridge Initiative conference organized in Paris in December 2004 at the FPH and at UNESCO, we contributed to implementing a discussion process between civil-society organizations and multilateral-institution officers in the framework of the reform of the U.N. that will be discussed at the U.N. General Assembly in September 2005. Several Dialogue and Controversy Tables had been (...)

Go ! Main Points for the Discussion with the United Nations Secretariat - 24 March 2005 - by Gustavo Marin, Pierre Calame
This document was presented at the meeting organized by the Bridge Initiative and the UN Secretariat in New York on March 3, 2005 1. The United Nations Secretariat is facing a historic opportunity. The document it is to send to the Heads of State in view of the September 2005 General Assembly cannot amount simply to a compilation of recommendations for reforming the system designed in the wake of World War II. The reform should not be merely institutional, limited to the reorganization of (...)

Go ! Glegbenu Network and Traversées Meet in Benin - 10 February 2005 - by Gustave Assah
Glegbenu and Traversées met in Benin this past September 28 - October 10, 2004. On the program of this crossing of paths between two associated Alliance initiatives: mutual discovery of their projects, experience sharing, presentation workshops for the Charter of Human Responsibilities, and the mapping thesaurus method. The Glegbenu network, linked to the Youth Workshop of the Alliance, and the GRAPAD (Groupe de Recherche d’Appui pour l’Agriculture et le Développement - Research group in (...)

Go ! Sharing Art As an Alternative to Merchandizing - 26 October 2004 - by Bianca dos Santos, Hamilton Faria, Marilena Chauí, Michel Sauquet, Olivier Petitjean, Pedro Garcia, Philippe Axel
Hello, I am Philippe Axel, French author, composer, and performer. I am a "Web artist." On my Web site at, I advocate the creation of an international virtual community of musicians with the possibility for each of them to register his or her work for free in mp3 format. A community with a humanist vocation that would be able to give birth, through music, to an embryo of international brotherhood. I also propose to associate with the files that are registered, a (...)

Go ! WSF 2005 Will Be an Alternative Global Village - 6 September 2004 - by Christophe Aguiton, Etienne Galliand, Francisco Whitaker, Luis Lopezllera Méndez, Michel Sauquet, Nicolas Haeringer, Susan George, Véronique Rioufol
Dear friends, Following the meeting of Quito, the Commissions on Content and Methodology of the International Committee of the World Social Forum met again in Sao Paolo on August 23 and 24, in presence of other members of the International Committee. This meeting had several objectives: to define the format of the forum, using the results of the consultation, in which more than 1800 organizations took part; to think about the functioning of the articulation groups (agglutinating groups) (...)


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