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title > What’s New?

Topics Included

Topic: Somewhere on the Planet

Go ! Live from the World Social Forum: A Colorful Carnival with Serious Business - 1 April 2009 - by John Samuel
We are happy to present here a first-hand report from the World Social Forum (WSF) 2009, by John Samuel, a longstanding friend of the Alliance and member of the WSF International Council, who offers a vivid account of many of the different aspects of this year’s WSF, and a touch of friendly, constructive critique. Music was in the air. Drenched in a late-afternoon shower, more than 100,000 people with causes and convictions, from 120 countries, filled the streets with dance, drums, and (...)

Go ! From the World Social Forum: Putting Finance in Its Place - 2 March 2009
For a new economic and social model Let’s put finance in its place! The financial crisis is a systemic crisis that emerges in the context of global crises (climate, food, energy, social…) and of a new balance of power. It results from 30 years of transfer of income from labor towards capital. This trend should be reversed. This crisis is the consequence of a capitalist system of production based on laissez-faire and fed by short term accumulation of profits by a minority, unequal (...)



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