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title > What’s New?

Topics Included

Topic: Partners

Go ! Latin America - 18 July 2003 - by Gustavo Marin
We begin with Latin America because after the World Citizens Assembly in Lille in December 2001, the meeting of Allies of the South Cone in Rio de Janeiro in June 2002 was the first geocultural meeting held to envisage the future of the Alliance. It is important to underscore that this meeting was organized by the Allies of the South Cone as an independent initiative. It gathered roughly forty participants from Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and several regions of Brazil, in (...)

Go ! What’s new since 2002 ? - 18 December 2002
2000-2001 were years of extraordinary activity for the many Workshops and Groups of the Alliance. During those two years, the Allies organized scores of meetings in all the regions of the world, focused mainly on the collective elaboration of nearly sixty Proposal Papers and the Charter of Human Responsibilities. The five Continental Meetings in June 2001 (in Ecuador, India, Tanzania, Romania, and Lebanon) constituted an important stage of this process, which culminated with the holding of the World Citizens Assembly in Lille, France, in December (...)

Go ! Background and preparation - 17 April 2002 - by Gustavo Marin, Karine Goasmat, Robert David
This journey, which took place from April 10 to 14, 2002, was prepared from one day to the next. It was the response to a call launched by the Brazilian Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum (WSF) to join a Brazilian delegation of parliamentarians and members of Brazilian organizations active in the WSF, which was getting ready to go to Palestine. The call was sent to approximately one hundred members of the WSF International Council on April 4. The next day, two member (...)

Go ! Chronicle of the meetings - 17 April 2002 - by Gustavo Marin, Karine Goasmat, Robert David
The following description is not complete. We are eager, however, to inform you of what we were able to do in such little time. Several civil-society organizations in Palestine and also in Israel are especially active at the moment. We would like to stress that without their presence we would not have been able to do anything much. In Jerusalem, which lies just 15 km away from Ramallah, it is possible to talk to people and to circulate without any major problems. We should nonetheless not (...)

Go ! Agenda 2000-01 - 8 January 2002


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