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www.alliance21.org > Proposal Papers > Workgroup on Values, Culture, and Education

Art and Cultural Identity in Building a United World

Published in October 2001

In the same way as myths, art allows us to perceive the mystery of the world, but is also provides lucidity, pleasure and joy. Through it we can penetrate the unknown, in search of partial answers. Poverty is often only considered in its tangible dimension, although the intangibility of the symbolic and spiritual is just as necessary. Art emerges through these elements, creating new links of solidarity, composed of the imagination and poetry vital to knowledge of the other and oneself. Art can play a fundamental role in restoring structure to damaged social fabric. These ideas give rise to proposals (defence of the right to cultural citizenship, strengthening cultural identity in the face of globalisation, building a culture of peace, etc.), illustrated by contemporary experiences.


POLIS - Instituto de Estudos, Formação e Assessoria em Politicas Sociais
Rua Conego Eugenio Leite 433 - São Paulo SP - Brésil
Tél.: +55.11 8536877 - Fax.: +55 11 30631098
hfaria@polis.org.br - http://www.polis.org.br

Coordinated by ...

- Hamilton Faria

Brazilian poet. Co-founder of the Instituto Pólis and member of the Council of Coordinators. I also coordinate the area of Cultural Development. Sociologist and professor at the University of Plastic Arts, FAAP, S. Paulo. Executive secretary of the Fórum Intermunicipal de Cultura (FIC). In the Alliance, He was one of the two founders of the Grupo S. Paulo. He is facilitator of the World Network of Artists in the Alliance. He participates in the Regional Coordination Committee of the Charter of Human Responsibilities.

Site - World Network of Artists in Alliance


- Pedro Garcia

Teacher at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Poet, philosopher. He participates in some associations related to education, in Rio de Janeiro.



Caderno de propostas em português - 166.3 kb -

Topics Included

art . social change . Americas . cross-cultural . cultural diversity . identity . peace . social cohesion . world

Workgroup Papers

Go ! A New Way of Seeing Things: Women’s Proposals for a More Equitable Society in Greater Solidarity
Go ! Art and Cultural Identity in Building a United World
Go ! Cultural and Cross-cultural Diversity in the Age of Globlization
Go ! Education for Active and Responsible Citizenship
Go ! Information society, knowledge society: benefiting from change
Go ! Interreligious Dialog
Go ! Proposals for Education in the Twenty-first Century
Go ! Proposals from the Social Monitoring of Science Forum
Go ! The Alliance and the Media
Go ! Thinking through University reform
Go ! Time and How It’s Used: Proposals for a Sustainable Development
Go ! War and Genocide ... Restoring Humanity in Human Beings Faced with Extreme Situations
Go ! Youth Action and Proposals for Social Change

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