www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Socioprofessional Networks



Workgroup data
puce Proposals of the Women’s Socioprofessional Network puce Participants

Experience Reports

puce Armed Conflict in Burundi : Experience as a woman - Marie-Louise SIBAZURI -
puce Women’s March Against Epizootic Ulcerative Symptom - M.G. INDU -
puce Women in Transient Fishing Villages of West Bengal -2- - Nalini NAYAK -
puce Italian women against the mafia - Rita BORSELLINO -
puce Columbian feminists and the combat against violence - Andrée MICHEL -
puce View all (14 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

:: Nadia Leila Aïssaoui :: Janine Mossuz-Lavau :: Djamila TELLIA :: September 2002 ::

Deconstructing the patriarchal model (Caravan) :: September 2002 ::


This Workgroup is filed

Other related Web sites

--- Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation
--- Association for Women’s Rights in Development
--- All Women’s Action Society
--- Women Living Under Muslim Laws
4 Web sites: + details

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