www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups



Workgroup data
puce Activities puce Proposal Paper
puce Education for an Active and Responsible Citizenship puce Documents
puce Experience Reports puce Participants and Interested Persons

:: Articles ::

A High School Trains Students with a Curriculum Oriented Towards Practicality in a Rural Mountanous Area in Lesotho
:: Thierry Lassalle :: February 2007 ::

Education: An International Perspective for the Debate :: June 2001 ::

The Good Fortunes and Misfortunes of Continuing Education in France
:: Jacques Ardoino :: June 2001 ::


This Workgroup is active

Main Web Site

Global Classroom initiative

Other related Web sites

--- Education International
--- Red SEPA
3 Web sites: + details

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