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The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries

on the calendar

Here you will find all of the answers given by those taking part in the consultation. The answers, written in one of the four languages of the consultation, are reassorted per question and followed by the reactions they may have inspired among participants and visitors of this Web site. Please allow for a short interval for answers to be processed after they are received and before they are posted on line.

What points do you not understand or do you disagree with regarding the calendar

Oriol ALSINA, Aliado. España | en | 13 May 2005 |
Agree, we need a calendar and overall strategic orientations. These should be decided once the governance structure has been defined.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Oriol ALSINA |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Bernard SIGG, Allié. France | fr | 12 May 2005 |
Il est bien vague ! Et puis l’ordre des priorités serait à inverser : il faut réinventer une forme plus concrète, égalitaire et stimulante de démocratie avant d’imaginer une communauté mondiale.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Bernard SIGG |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Thierry PAQUOT, Allié. France | fr | 11 May 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Thierry PAQUOT |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Pablo SANTAMARIA, Allié. France | fr | 9 May 2005 |
Assez vague pour le moment.
Préciser les "milestones" sur des points clés entre 2004-2010.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Pablo SANTAMARIA |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Franz ISEMANN, Ally, Deutschland | en | 9 May 2005 |
A "common strategic framework" is a good aim.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Franz ISEMANN |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Maxime LEROUX, Allié. France | fr | 9 May 2005 |
Bravo pour le travail sous-jacent.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Maxime LEROUX |
| 0 reaction(s) |

François AZUELOS, France | fr | 9 May 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from François AZUELOS |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Pierre KARLI, Allié. France | fr | 4 May 2005 |
A ré-évaluer au fur et à mesure qu’on progresse !

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Pierre KARLI |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Nicole VAN DER ELST, France | fr | 4 May 2005 |
Des temps forts seraient à mettre en évidence davantage.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Nicole VAN DER ELST |
| 0 reaction(s) |

André PARINAUD, France | fr | 3 May 2005 |
Tout est là !

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from André PARINAUD |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Michel ANSAY et Sarah DEUTSCH, Alliés. Belgique. | fr | 1 May 2005 |
En revenir à l’idée de chantiers assez bien identifiés qui se donnent un ou deux ans de travail et qui se réclament d’un des 5 grands axes de travail ?

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Michel ANSAY et Sarah DEUTSCH |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Elisabeth PERONA, Alliée. France. | fr | 1 May 2005 |
Aucun point de désaccord.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Elisabeth PERONA |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Ababacar DIOP, Allié. Sénégal. | fr | 28 April 2005 |
Aucune préoccupation particulière, j’adhère au calendrier...

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Ababacar DIOP |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Benoît GRANGER, Allié. France. | fr | 28 April 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Benoît GRANGER |
| 0 reaction(s) |

1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 | 121-134






Your reactions are sent to our facilitator, who will then post them. Anyone can react to any of the answers.

Answers to the questionnaire are posted in their original language. If necessary, you can use one of the machine-translation programs available on the Internet.



- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -