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The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries

on the idea of the Alliance

Here you will find all of the answers given by those taking part in the consultation. The answers, written in one of the four languages of the consultation, are reassorted per question and followed by the reactions they may have inspired among participants and visitors of this Web site. Please allow for a short interval for answers to be processed after they are received and before they are posted on line.

Does this idea of an alliance respond, in its content and form of organization, to a need of our time?

Sara riwka ERLICH, Allie. Brasil | en | 19 September 2005 |
I think that respond but I need to know inprractice how it functions.As medical doctor,clinical psychiatrist and training analyst I am used to establish bridges between theory and practice but I am openminded to your ideas.

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Jean-paul DUMAS, Allie. France | fr | 19 September 2005 |
L’Alliance me semble être un excellent moyen, parmi d’autres, de faire progresser l’humanité vers la paix dans l’unité et la diversité. Ses fondements éthiques sont clairs.
Le seul danger serait, à mon avis, celui de considérer l’Alliance comme le centre de la démarche. Dans une société en réseau, il n’y a plus de centre. Les structures se doivent d’être souples.
Mais les modes d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’Alliance sont auto-adaptatifs et donc peu sensibles au danger de (...)

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John STEWART, Allie. Zimbabwe | en | 14 September 2005 |
The need that I see is for Alliances - for convergences and for the gathering of specific convergences - group, national, professional etc - into relation and interplay with other ’partial’ convergences.

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Armel HUET, Non allie. France | fr | 14 September 2005 |
Bien sûr. Comment peut-on donner des perspectives aux problèmes de notre temps sans chercher à conjuguer, là où on peut, les bonnes volontés, sans rassembler les réflexions, sans échanger les expériences, sans faire des choses pratiques, sans reconstruire des idéaux, configurateurs de projets, sans tracer des exigences éthiques, sans mettre la main à la pâte....? C’est que l’Alliance veut faire. Elle doit être (...)

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Anonyme 28, Allie. Cote d’ivoire | en | 14 September 2005 |

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Svitlana PYSARENKO, Allie. Ukraine | en | 23 August 2005 |
Yes, I believe that the idea of an alliance is of high necessity and responds to the needs of global experiences and thinking circulation. But it has also some disadvantages because of lack of formal mechanisms.

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Ruth ESPINOLA SORIANO DE MELLO, Allie. Brasil | es | 23 August 2005 |
Sim, a Carta aponta para a prentesão da Aliança e está de acordo com a conjuntura da globalização. No entanto, convém explicitar e debater sobre a origem dos recursos da Aliança e, efetivar a entrada de outros recursos financeiros alternativos. Para tal uma ação conjunta dos aliados neste sentido faz-se mister.

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| en | 23 August 2005 |

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Horacio AZOCAR, Allie. Chile | es | 23 August 2005 |
me parece. Es más, considero que conforme lo que ha sucedido en los últimos tiempos, la única forma de generar modos de entendimientos entre los pueblos es, precisamente, entre pueblo a pueblo, dado que los gobiernos y las entidades creadas con tales propósitos han pèrdido en la práctica su validez y la confianza que en ellas depositaron las personas comunes.

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Robert WHEELER, Allie. United States | en | 23 August 2005 |
Yes definitely, but only if we fully implement the intended framework and also take the needed steps to begin to implement the changes that we know are needed in the world.
We have to get beyond proposals, advocacy, and philosophical/strategic discussions and begin to actually carry out our projects and activities and to create the new world that we all know is possible and achievable (...)

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Conrad SYIEM, Allie. India | en | 23 August 2005 |
the world’s evolving and what currently is occuring i believe is reflective of the mood and thought of a contemporary generation

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Jamy NOTERMANS, Allie. Belgique | fr | 23 August 2005 |
Oui absolument

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Wiyowou TCHAKA, Allie. Togo | fr | 23 August 2005 |
Bien sûr que oui! ceci vu la situatio mondiale marqué d’une profonde instabilité et surtout des déchiremment un peu partout

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François SAINT-OUEN, Non allie. Suisse | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Oui certainement. Les initiatives citoyennes de ce genre sont de plus en plus nécessaires.

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Penda NDIAYE, Non allie. Sénégal | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Oui. Les enjeux de ce monde actuel veulent que l’on soit actrice si l’on ne veut pas être un jour une victime des changements inéluctables.

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Philippe DAUCHEZ-HUE, Non allie. Mali | fr | 19 August 2005 |

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Anonyme 27, Non allie. Cameroun | fr | 19 August 2005 |
C’est une idée géniale, notre monde en perdition en a grandement besoin.

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Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Yes. Form: it is important for Allies to meet physically. Maybe local, regional and international meetings of Allies could be organized at national, regional end international forum-events ? Content : I consider the formulation of global ethiucal principles very needed in the new context of irreversible interdependence.

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Zita NYIRENDA, Allie. Tanzania | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Yes, they do.

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Pierre SICARD, Allie. France | fr | 19 August 2005 |
Oui dans son principe. Des réserves quant à son impact hors des participants.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Pierre SICARD |
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1-20 | 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-174






Your reactions are sent to our facilitator, who will then post them. Anyone can react to any of the answers.

Answers to the questionnaire are posted in their original language. If necessary, you can use one of the machine-translation programs available on the Internet.



- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -