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La propuesta


Sus respuestas


por autor


por fecha


sobre la idea de la Alianza


sobre el espíritu de la Carta


sobre la Carta Constitutiva


sobre los dispositivos de trabajo


sobre la agenda


sobre sus intenciones de participación


Otras respuestas






Ally, United States of America

Sus respuestas

... sobre el espíritu de la Carta
| 15 de julio de 2005 | en |


0 reaccion(es) |

... sobre sus intenciones de participación
| 15 de julio de 2005 | en |

facilitation committee for the 2006- 2007 strategy.

0 reaccion(es) |

... sobre los dispositivos de trabajo
| 15 de julio de 2005 | en |

I became familiar with the Alliance at the first World Social Forum. I posted a link to the website and began to get list-emails. I have been working along a parallel path, but not very active in the Alliance- the website has been changed and I can’t read the 400 emails a day that I get. I understand the spirit of what you are trying to do, and the potential of the internet, but I don’t think it has begun to be realized. The internet is simply not the most reliable or engaging tool, it needs to be supplemented with the face to face dialogues, and actions, conferences, projects. I know that you have strived to make those happen too.

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... sobre la agenda
| 15 de julio de 2005 | en |

There should be a place on the website for Allies to post conference/events that fall into the spirit of the Alliance and are working towards global community, dialogue, peace, the transformation that we ethically agree upon, this would facilitate more participation, awareness, and help initiators to reach out to a larger community. For example, I organized the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, Phase One in March 2004, which was followed by the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11 in May 2004, and by The Citizens’ Commission on 9-11: New York 9/11 Omission Hearings. Since these events were basically citizens questioning the official narrative which has given rise to the "War on Terrorism" (which we view as a war of terrorism against Americans and people worldwide), the wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, and other designated "evil" countries... we should have been able to post these international citizen gatherings on the website, somewhere. (Perhaps it is my fault- for being so busy that I didn’t know where to post these events properly).

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... Otras respuestas
| 15 de julio de 2005 | en |

As a longtime organizer, co-founder of several organizations, I can appreciate your intent and the challenge of the goals, tasks that you have taken on. At this point in time, I am very interested in strategy, especially with the obstacles we have to deal with in the United States (and the word)- particularly corporate/government control over the mainstream press, the psychological barriers of fear that we have to deal with, our attempt to build an effective coalition between the truth, peace and justice movements to challenge the legitimacy of a criminal dangerous regime. These are where my attentions are focused. I had been focused on the global economy, the monetary system, organizing events similar, but smaller to transform the global economy in the US, prior to the first World Social Forum, which I tried to mobilize Americans to attend. I stopped accepting invitations to speak on "money/global economics" outside the US, because of the critical consciousness raising /resistance work that needs to be done here and that remains my top priority, but I recognize the desirability of linking with all the international solidarity movements which share the same aspirations. I feel it is within my responsibility to try to get the American boot off the throat of the world ASAP for the sake of this country, as well as the world.

I would appreciate it, if you added my website- http://www.communitycurrency.org . I do believe the truth about 9-11 is the Achilles Heel of a Global Elite that clings to power using the obsolete methods of war and terrorism, we need to expose the insanity of this mindset and help shift resources away from killing and controlling towards meeting human needs and healing endangered ecosystems.

0 reaccion(es) |




Se publican las respuestas en su idioma original. Si lo necesita, puede usar uno de los programas de traducción automática disponibles en internet.

Helen M. GIOVANELLO, Etats-Unis |fr|
Jacques CUVILLIER, Non allie. France |fr|
Betsan MARTIN, Ally, New Zealand |en|
Catherine FORET, Non allie. France |fr|
Chalbi BELKAHIA, Allié, Tunisie |fr|
Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark |fr|
Eduardo DEL RIO, Espana |es|
Reynaldo MARCONI, Non allie. Bolivia |es|
André PARINAUD, France |fr|
Michel LUCAS, France |fr|
John STEWART, Allie. Zimbabwe |en|
Marcia ALVAREZ, France |fr|
Gustavo LO PRESTI, Ally, Italy |en|
Horacio ARANGO, Colombia |es|
Vincent MERCIER, Allie. France |fr|
Yoko KITAZAWA, Japan |en|
Hameye Timbalek TRAORE, Mali |fr|
Dolly anek ODWONG, Non allie. Kenya |en|
Pablo SANTAMARIA, Allié. France |fr|
Anonyme 29, Allie. France |fr|

Todas las respuestas


- Alianza para un mundo responsable, plural y solidario -
- Fundación Charles Léopold Mayer para el progreso del Hombre -