



La propuesta


Sus respuestas


por autor


por fecha


sobre la idea de la Alianza


sobre el espíritu de la Carta


sobre la Carta Constitutiva


sobre los dispositivos de trabajo


sobre la agenda


sobre sus intenciones de participación


Otras respuestas





INICIO > Sus respuestas > sobre el espíritu de la Carta

sobre el espíritu de la Carta

respuesta de John STEWART, Allie. Zimbabwe , 14 de septiembre de 2005

| lea todas las respuestas de John STEWART |

Yes. The need for alliance-building - and the interplay, mutual enrichment and refinement of inter-alliances processes - has never been greater than in this fragmented and divided time. At the same time action is not carried out just with good intent or even just good ideas, and so the issue of how alliances in various sectors, and the sum total of grouped alliances, relates to power and the processes of making change happen, needs to be further explored and developed.

In particular, there needs to be a spirit in the Alliance process of redressing the imbalances of power and resources dividing North and South; of deliberately avoiding the imposition of value-systems and power structures (however unconsciously) that would undermine the attempt to move towards a truly equal and seriously respectful exchange and exploration process.




Las respuestas a la misma pregunta
Michael OCHIENG, Ally, Kenya | (en|majuscules)]|
Founé SANGARE, Alliée, Mali | (fr|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 21 | (en|majuscules)]|
Louis MALASSIS, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Khairallah ASSAR, Non allie. Algeria | (en|majuscules)]|
Benjamin QUINONES, Ally, Philippines | (en|majuscules)]|
Mauriac TOSSAVI, Allie. Bénin | (fr|majuscules)]|
Feliu MADAULA CANADELL , Aliado, España | (es|majuscules)]|
Alfonso COTERA, Aliado. Perù | (es|majuscules)]|
Anonyme 12 | (fr|majuscules)]|
Aboubacar BIZO, Allié. Niger | (fr|majuscules)]|
Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark | (fr|majuscules)]|
Jacques CUVILLIER, Non allie. France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Gabrielle GRAMMONT, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Edgar GNANSOUNOU, Non allie. Suisse | (fr|majuscules)]|
Altagracia VILLARREAL Santos, Ally. México | (es|majuscules)]|
François AZUELOS, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Bertrand HERIARD DUBREUIL, Allié, France | (fr|majuscules)]|
Pierre VERREAULT, Canada | (fr|majuscules)]|
François MARCHAND, France | (fr|majuscules)]|

Todas las respuestas a la misma pregunta


- Alianza para un mundo responsable, plural y solidario -
- Fundación Charles Léopold Mayer para el progreso del Hombre -