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Traversées : Crossing Paths for a New World

Traversées : Crossing Paths for a New World

Did you ever wish you could just travel around the world, meet people face-to-face, interact with them, learn from them, build alliances and work with them ? François Soulard and William Leroy did just that. After designing their plan and its concept, setting up their organization Traversées, and getting the necessary funds to make it real, they started out in 2004 for a two-year journey. For the present Dossier, they have offered us an overview of what they had planned and how it actually happened. Four years and many changes later, the trip is not over. As they explain, it was the road itself that set their goals and destinations. One of their stops, in Argentina, put them in the midst of the Citizen Assembly movement and brought them into contact with the teachers’ union CTERA, in whose work they became involved. François is still there as we write, and Traversées’s final contribution to this Dossier, sent in this past July 2008, focuses on CTERA’s work and explains how Traversées is helping to apply Alliance 21-FPH methodology to help humankind into a new era. This Dossier offers a tiny window into what has been a vast and complex reality under the guiding principles we have developed collectively over the years, so don’t stop here : the Traversées Web site is a treasure of the world’s infinite variety enclosed in a single planet with deeply common aspirations to live in harmony, all of that in photos, videos, and words. Don’t miss this illustration of how it all makes sense !

:: Articles ::

One Last Word, for Now ...
:: Traversées :: November 2008 ::

Traversées Paint Brushes: Portraits of a Journey :: November 2008 ::

From Dreams to Reality, or How a Project Adapts to Life As It Plays out :: November 2008 ::

On the Road to a Citizens Assembly :: November 2008 ::

A Sustainable World and Environmental Education with CTERA :: November 2008 ::

Fifteen Years of Continuous In-depth Work by the Union School Marina Vilte :: November 2008 ::


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