www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Socioprofessional Networks

Persons Who Are Excluded or in Precarious Situations

Persons Who Are Excluded or in Precarious Situations


Facilitation of citizen forums, which enable the bringing together of "Excluded" and "Included" people determined to fight against insecurity and fight for a different society where resources, power and knowledge are shared.

These forums will be based on VETO, the association bringing together the unemployed and marginalized Germans, Swiss and French people, and ARSO, the association that we have just founded in Lutterbach, which relays the action of the Alliance in the East of France.

The summary of the debates and testimonies of those people will be regularly resumed and will be the basis for a proposals booklet.

A first experiment will gather people from the region of Dreieckland: three borders - Fribourg - Mülheim (Germany), Bâle (Switzerland), Mulhouse (France)- and will serve as an example to extend this approach to other territories through new contact persons.

Workgroup data
puce Documents puce Proposal Paper
puce Participants

Experience Cards

puce Law-Poverty : a register of grievances established during ’caves’ meetings, Belgium - Jean Designe -
puce 29 Giugno, the first prisoners’ cooperative in Europe
puce The Law and Security of Existence Research Center, Belgium - Catherine GAUDARD -
puce View all (3 Response(s))

:: Articles ::

Migrants :: November 2008 ::


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