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Joseph Rocher

Web Site: Réseau d’ONG Européennes sur l’Agro-alimentaire, le Commerce, l’Environnement et le Développement

Specialist in economy of the development. Author of various studies and articles dealing with questions concerning the agricultural policies and the trading relations between North, South and East countries. Author of two "dossiers pour un debat " - FPH: "Le Gatt en pratique" (The GATT in practice, 1994); "After the fires of straws - food security policies in the South and globalization" (Après les feux de pailles - politiques de sécurité alimentaire au Sud et mondialisation)

As Director of RONGEAD (Europeans NGO Network on Agro-food, Trade, Environment and Development), he has tried, since the 80s, to integrate the logics of market and power relations in the development programs. Consultant for FAO and responsible of development projects financed by the European Commission and the Foreign Affairs Ministry. First of all, his work helps the developing countries and those from Central and East Europe, to find a better place inside the process of globalization.


Has published on this Web site ...

- From the WTO’s Setback in Seattle ... to the Conditions for Global Governance - November 2001

- World Trade Organization - October 2000

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