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Do You Want to Be a Part of Making Another World Possible?

A project aimed at the younger generations, to take one more step along the way toward the future that we wish for ...

For almost 30 years, part of the current team of Nova - Centro por la InnovaciĆ³n Social have been putting our chips on promoting socially innovating proposals, projects and models to facilitate the construction of alternatives to the current rules of the game for social, political and economic organization; rules of the game that are increasingly breaking down the world into fragments, making it more and more violent and unsustainable, bringing about more and more cross-cultural conflicts, and moving toward ever-growing elitism, less and less participation, and the escalation of corruption, which is destroying the rule of law and obstructing the social transformations necessary for dignified living conditions for all the world’s inhabitants.

In the course of these years we have developed, or participated in, initiatives that promoted social innovation, and the elaboration of proposals and alternative models. In spite of these initiatives, such as the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World, or more recently, the World Social Forum, almost all the indicators are warning us that the situation of most of the Earth’s inhabitants has grown worse and that the signed agreements are not having the expected impact, either because they are insufficient or because they are not applied.

We wish to contribute to promoting social innovation to make this other necessary world possible and to do so, we are setting up the project Nova Terra: innovaciĆ³n social para hacer posible otro mundo (in Spanish only for the moment).

The plan is to train a team of young persons who are able to gather, systematize and circulate the experiences, the actions, the proposals, the projects and the models that can favor innovative social transformations.

The team will be formed to circulate this knowledge in several languages through the Internet, to advise and support organizations, movements, parties, governments, and the media wishing to apply transformations through other formulas than those recommend and imposed by official "advisors" or obsolete "recipes".

We are in the process of constituting this team, which after a few months’ training should be qualified with an overall vision of the major problems threatening contemporary societies, and knowledge of the different proposals and the viable alternative models needed to deal with them.

We are seeking to set up a team of young professionals, from different fields of education and knowledge, theoretical and practical, from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds, which as a whole is able to embrace maximum complementarity and plurality to face this challenge.

The basic application conditions are: to be between 23 and 35 years old, to have completed university or equivalent, to be willing to take up a year’s training (starting in July 2007), to move to the area of Barcelona (Catalonia-Spain), to know Spanish and have good working knowledge of English, and, obviously, to want to work professionally in research and counseling for innovative solutions to make another world possible.

The applicants’ selection process will require that in the next three months he or she spend about five hours a month answering questionnaires, writing briefs, and getting to know each other.

If you are interested, send this first questionnaire before March 5 to info@nova.cat.

If you wish to recommend us to persons who are potentially interested in being part of this team and have the profile described above, please tell us how to contact them.

If you wish to support the project, we are seeking persons or organizations/foundations that will contribute funds for scholarships or micro-credit to the benefit of team participants in need of financial support.


Marti Olivella
Director of Nova, Center for Social Innovation,
+ 15 article(s)

Themes involved

-The Alliance story

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