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www.alliance21.org > Workgroups > Thematic Groups > Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New World

Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New World

Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New World

On the Road to a Citizens Assembly

An interview with Gustavo Marín

His nose is Aymara, his Spanish is Chilean, his smile is Latin American, and in his eyes is reflected his international experience with citizens’ networks: Gustavo Marín tells why and how we need to generate dialog among citizens and to bring about the advent of citizens’ assemblies in different regions of the world.


Proposal for a World Parliament for the Twenty-first Century


+ de 6 article(s)

Traversées: Crossing Paths for a New World

-From Dreams to Reality, or How a Project Adapts to Life As It Plays out
-Traversées Paint Brushes: Portraits of a Journey
-A Sustainable World and Environmental Education with CTERA
-Fifteen Years of Continuous In-depth Work by the Union School Marina Vilte
-One Last Word, for Now ...

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