Preparation > Objectives > Detailed objectives

The World Assembly is not an isolated event. It is the symbolic crowning achievement of the alliance's first phase, initiated seven years ago ; the crowning achievement of a cycle of work that have established practical and methodological bases for an international citizens' movement.

The Assembly has four objectives :

1 - to provoke, by its very existence, an acceleration and a convergence of all the geocultural, socioprofessional and ongoing topical dynamics of the Alliance. Due to the Assembly's deadline, the calendar of 2000-2001 year has harmonized calendars and methods of topical workshops, socioprofessional groups and local groups. Thus, participants will bring to Lille dossiers of proposals from all over the world, from different circles and on a large number of topics ;

2 - to symbolize by the geographical, social and professional diversity of its participants, the world civility under construction. The Assembly creates an arena of dialogue where milieus and fields of activity that usually do not meet together, begin to know one another and to confront their visions and their propositions. Opposite to a media approach that tries to put on stage confrontations and disagreements, the World Assembly organizes a process by which can come up elements of convergence. In so doing, the World Assembly is a contribution to new forms of world gouvernance ;

3 - to put in debate a draft Charter of human responsibilities. Every socioprofessional group elaborated a reflection on their responsibilities and ethical principles facing the challenges of the 21st century. In the continuity of the work undertaken during several years, the Assembly will come work on a common charter, rough draft of a third pillar necessary to the international life along with the Universal Declaration of Human rights and the United Nation Charter ;

4 - To identify the major axes for a strategy of change for the 21st century. Numerous propositions will be submitted to participants. Moreover, the participants also bring their own vision to Lille. The aim of the Assembly is not to approve a common text of strategy but to identify the major axes of the strategies, the possible convergence points and the major questions on which the debate and the reflection must carry on.

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