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The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries

on the spirit of the Charter

Here you will find all of the answers given by those taking part in the consultation. The answers, written in one of the four languages of the consultation, are reassorted per question and followed by the reactions they may have inspired among participants and visitors of this Web site. Please allow for a short interval for answers to be processed after they are received and before they are posted on line.

Do you find this proposal for a Constituent Charter suitable in its spirit and its main lines for a new step of the Alliance?

Anonyme 24, Allie. CAMEROON | en | 18 August 2005 |

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| 0 reaction(s) |

David ATEMKENG, Allié. Cameroun | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Oui. Je crois.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from David ATEMKENG |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Lynda AITSIDHOUM, Allie. Algerie | fr | 18 August 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Lynda AITSIDHOUM |
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Antoine DIATTA, Allie. SENEGAL | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Oui parce que l’association que je dirige a les mêmes objectifs.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Antoine DIATTA |
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Mujtaba KUSHERKI, Allie. Nigeria | en | 18 August 2005 |
Yes,the proposal is suitable in its spirit.To my mine it shall facilitate global intergration.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Mujtaba KUSHERKI |
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Jacques CUVILLIER, Non allie. France | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Oui dans les grandes lignes

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Jacques CUVILLIER |
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Rashid ZUBERU, Allie. Ghana | en | 18 August 2005 |
Yes,i think it is the best for the alliance and one that will properly synergize its activities.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Rashid ZUBERU |
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Bienvenu AMOU, Allie. Benin | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Oui, la charte est bonne dans l’esprit. Mais nous devons chercher les causes des echecs des anciens plan de développement de l’être humain, voir les faiblesses et éviter de tomber dans les mêmes erreurs.
Cette nouvelle alliance est bienvenue. Les continents aujourd’hui n’ont pas les mêmes priorités, donc il importe de mener le débat par région afin de faire ressortir les vrais réalités que les amis des autres régions ne vont pas vite cerner, dans le sens de ne pas faire de la théorie qui ne (...)

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Bienvenu AMOU |
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Anonyme 25, Allie. France | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Très bien

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| 0 reaction(s) |

Mamadou KHOUMA, Allie. SENEGAL | fr | 18 August 2005 |
Oui parfaitement

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Mamadou KHOUMA |
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Jean WERQUIN, Allié, France | fr | 15 July 2005 |
Cette proposition de charte me convient parfaitement. Ni désaccord, ni incompréhension. Mais je ne peux y prendre aucune responsabilité, vu mon âge (86 ans), ma situation de veuf vivant seul qui implique pas mal de tâches de la vie courante, et mon récent veuvage après une longue maladie de mon épouse, m’incitant à mettre en veilleuse presque toutes mes activités. J’en ai repris très peu. Si je peux encore apporter quelque chose à l’Alliance et à la FPH, avec qui j’ai collaboré très (...)

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Jean WERQUIN |
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Augustin SINGBO, Allié, Benin | fr | 15 July 2005 |
Je me retrouve dans cette initiative dans la mesure ou mes pensées et mes plans d’actions sont pris en compte.De plus tout ce qui aété entrepris pourle progrès jusqu’ici a échoué.Ainsi cette nouvelle dynamique serait-elle la bienvenue .

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Vicent GARCES, Aliado, España | es | 15 July 2005 |
Participé en la Asamblea de Lille 2001. Mi experiencia en la Alianza es muy corta. El nuevo paso que se propone me parece bien.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Vicent GARCES |
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Oriana MORCA WHITE , Brasil | es | 15 July 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Oriana MORCA WHITE |
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Blanca MEDINA, Aliada, Venezuela | es | 15 July 2005 |
Si, me parece adecuada en su espíritu, intención y fines.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Blanca MEDINA |
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José Domingos VASCONCELOS , Aliado, Brasil | es | 15 July 2005 |
Bastante adecuada. Nosotros estamos en busqueda de legitimación, o que exige alguna formalización, compromissos com base a principios, conceptos e procedimientos comunes e permanente aferición de calidad e de consistencia interna, con respecto a nuestras acciones.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from José Domingos VASCONCELOS |
| 0 reaction(s) |

Carol BROUILLET, Ally, United States of America | en | 15 July 2005 |

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Carol BROUILLET |
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José HIPOLITO DOS SANTOS , Allié, Portugal | fr | 15 July 2005 |
Tout à fait.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from José HIPOLITO DOS SANTOS |
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Manolo Iglesias RIVERA, Aliado, España | es | 15 July 2005 |
Nos parecece adecuada para esta nueva etapa.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Manolo Iglesias RIVERA |
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Anonyme 23 | fr | 15 July 2005 |
Je suis d’accord avec la charte constitutive mais j’aimerais qu’elle soit respectée.

| see the full answer and translate | read all the answers from Anonyme 23 |
| 0 reaction(s) |

1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 | 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-220 221-240 241-260 261-280 281-300 301-318






Your reactions are sent to our facilitator, who will then post them. Anyone can react to any of the answers.

Answers to the questionnaire are posted in their original language. If necessary, you can use one of the machine-translation programs available on the Internet.



- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -