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Analytical Summaries


Allie. Ukraine

ses reponses

... 在您看来,联盟这种理念是否能否从实质和组织方式上满足当今时代的需要?
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

Yes, I believe that the idea of an alliance is of high necessity and responds to the needs of global experiences and thinking circulation. But it has also some disadvantages because of lack of formal mechanisms.

0 commentaires |

... 您认为本章程建议的精神和脉络是否适当?
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

When and how will the Constituent Charter be implemented?

0 commentaires |

... 您对于以下各项存在哪些不同意见或不解之处
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

What is the mechanism of the implementing of member’s initiatives? What is the procedure of choice of candidates for support and intercession group? Maybe it is advisable to form sector groups which will be in charge for 5 main working directions.

0 commentaires |

... 如可能,你愿意参与
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

I am personally interested in taking part in the alliance for I consider that the global world requires pluralistic view of modern issues and challenges.

Interested in being part of: the methodological group for the working procedures, the discussion group on the common calendar, the facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy

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... 您是否同意以具名或匿名的方式将您的回答和评论公布于有关章程建议的集体论坛?
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

How will the common strategic framework be elaborated?

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... 其他答复
| 2005年8月23日 | en |

I am much obliged for your letter and offered opportunity to take part in this interesting and wholesome undertaking

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... 您是否认为您的组织或本人参与这一联盟是有可能的或有意义的?
| 2005年8月30日 | en |

In its main lines a Constituent Charter is topical and urgent, but its contest needs considerable discussing and revising.

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reponses autres
Reynaldo MARCONI, Non allie. Bolivia |es|
Roger WINTERHALTER, Allié, France |fr|
Spéro hector ACKEY, Allie. Benin |en|
Michel LUCAS, France |fr|
Anonyme 9 |en|
Mauriac TOSSAVI, Allie. Bénin |fr|
Sira DIOP, Mali |fr|
Paramasiva CHENGAN, Maurice |fr|
Dolly anek ODWONG, Non allie. Kenya |en|
Vicent GARCES, Aliado, España |es|
Mohamed GHEZAL, Allié, Algérie |fr|
Fransesc SERRA FEU, Aliado, España |es|
Bertrand MAHE, Allié. France |fr|
Baye Guèye DIOP, Allié, Sénégal |fr|
Abelardo COELHO DA SILVA, Brazil |es|
Kossivi AGBOVOR, Allie. Togo |fr|
Thomas Percy LIMBOHO, Allié, Cameroun |fr|
Antoine BUISSON, France |fr|
Franz ISEMANN, Ally, Deutschland |en|
Mujtaba KUSHERKI, Allie. Nigeria |en|

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