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La proposition


Vos réponses


par auteur


par date


sur l’idée de l’Alliance


sur l’esprit de la Charte


sur la Charte constitutive


sur les dispositifs de travail


sur le calendrier


sur vos intentions de participation


Autres réponses







Ses réponses

... sur l’idée de l’Alliance
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

A world wide Alliance is certainly needed as the dynamic now, in our time, is undoubtedly global. The polar opposites of this development could be defined as the world wide web (free, open, democratic) and the global economy (closed, undemocratic)). A global citizen’s Alliance is urgently needed.

0 réaction(s) |

... sur vos intentions de participation
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

I have already joined as one of the people involved in the early initiatives, including the Brazil Meeting/Forum. My organization at that time, City Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland, also collaborated on a publication - ’cultures, art and conflict’.
Interested in being part of :
The follow-up and improvement group for the tools and methods for experience sharing
The facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy

0 réaction(s) |

... sur l’esprit de la Charte
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

I think the spirit of the charter is ideal. The main lines are more difficult. Simplicity may be the key - Equality, respect, negotiation, sharing, non-aggression.

0 réaction(s) |

... sur la Charte constitutive
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

I think the charter, while containing all the correct elements, needs to be restructured so that it has clear priorities and a natural set of progressions.

0 réaction(s) |

... sur les dispositifs de travail
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

The Alliance needs to be clear as to whether it is a ressource or an activist mechanism. From this will come the working procedures, which at present are very vague and general.

0 réaction(s) |

... sur le calendrier
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

Make it as concrete as possible.

0 réaction(s) |

... Autres réponses
| 5 juillet 2005 | en |

I’m glad the Alliance is still alive and, if made real for people, could have a valuable role to play. One thing : I come from an arts and culture background and feel personal creativity and expression and communal culture are central to future development.

0 réaction(s) |




Les réponses sont affichées dans leur langue d'origine. Si nécessaire, vous pouvez utiliser un des logiciels de traduction automatique disponibles sur internet.

Anonyme 4 |fr|
Gustavo LO PRESTI, Ally, Italy |en|
Zachée YETGNA, Allié, Cameroun |fr|
Romuald YENGOUI, Allié. Gabon |fr|
Roger GODINO, France |fr|
Yoko KITAZAWA, Japan |en|
Séverin ASSOUM, Togo |fr|
Eugeni SANS FARRE, Aliado, España |es|
Paul GERMAIN, France |fr|
Michel LELART, France |fr|
Helen M. GIOVANELLO, Etats-Unis |fr|
Hermila FIGUEIREDO, Allie. Bresil |fr|
Isis DE PALMA, Aliada, Brazil |es|
Philippe VAILLANT, France |fr|
Lynda AITSIDHOUM, Allie. Algerie |fr|
Colette HUMBERT, Alliée, France |fr|
Anonyme 12 |fr|
Anonyme 10 |en|
Vicent GARCES, Aliado, España |es|
Anonyme 23 |fr|

Toutes les réponses


- Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire -
- Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'Homme -