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The Proposal


Your answers to the questionnaire


by author


by date


on the idea of the Alliance


on the spirit of the Charter


on the Constituent Charter


on the working procedures


on the calendar


on your possible participation


Other answers




Analytical Summaries


Ally, Brazil

His or her answers to the questionnaire

... on the spirit of the Charter
| 27 June 2005 | en |

Yes, I do. However, the way things went in the first stage of the Alliance were not always faithful to the spirit and the lines of this Charter. We should strive to make words and deeds meet more consistently.

0 reaction(s) |

... on your possible participation
| 27 June 2005 | en |

Yes, both PACS and myself will continue to be part of the Alliance.
Interested in being part of:
the methodological group for the working procedures.
the group of guarantors.
the facilitation committee for the 2006-2007 strategy.

0 reaction(s) |

... on the Constituent Charter
| 27 June 2005 | en |

1/ It needs to make more explicit the methodology that is proposed to cope with the challenge of being decentralized and relying on a guarantor group and on a foundation. In certain occasions the international process of the first stage failed to be collective and participatory. The initiative taken by the FPH may be opportune, but it risks to ignore the accumulation of experience and thought, as well as the dynamics of collective decision-making developed by the webs of allies that collaborated in the first phase. How can we overcome this risk?
2/ The emphasis on building a global community is highly satisfactory. This coincides perfectly with how PACS understood the Alliance from the outset.
3/ “A rejection”: not only all forms of exchange are reduced to commodity trade, but also people themselves, their work, knowledge and creativity, their bodies, their souls and their yearnings.
4/ Ethics: very well put. However, it contrasts with certain instances of the first stage. In the second stage we must endeavor to be much more consistent.
I need clarification about the “rules of confidentiality”. They are not mentioned anywhere else in the Charter, what do they refer to?

I think that one of the main ethical principles to emphasize is the respect for the diversity of thoughts and practices within the Alliance and the endeavor to create unanimities, common projects and concerted action without sacrificing that diversity.

0 reaction(s) |

... on the working procedures
| 27 June 2005 | en |

1/ Memory of a plural history : The sentence "... its existence depends on its capacity for continuous institution and consolidation" is bizarre and contradicts the former sentence "The Alliance is not an institution". Institutional consolidation is not what we intend, right ? We are working towards new forms of organization and collective action which operate organically without becoming institutionalized.
2/ The other procedures seem fine to me.

0 reaction(s) |

... on the calendar
| 27 June 2005 | en |

1/ I welcome the proposal of the Common Calendar. However, I feel it lacks clear tasks and aims for the new stage:
- more intimate collaboration between the various workgroups, workshops and colleges of the Alliance ;
- articulation with other social movements (the WSSE is actively pursuing that) ;
- pressure for consistent public policies and for institutional transformation of agencies of national and global governance;
- production of collective documents and educational materials on transversal themes that go beyond the products of the first stage ;
- deeper reflection based on a transdisciplinary approach ;
- continental meetings and a global meeting before the end of the new stage.

0 reaction(s) |




Answers to the questionnaire are posted in their original language. If necessary, you can use one of the machine-translation programs available on the Internet.

Spéro hector ACKEY, Allie. Benin |en|
Jur JACOBS, Allié. France. |fr|
Yolanda ZIAKA, Alliée, Grèce |fr|
Rouguiatou KABA BARRY, Non allie. France |fr|
Tom borsen HANSEN, Non allie. Denmark |fr|
Zachée YETGNA, Allié, Cameroun |fr|
Altagracia VILLARREAL Santos, Ally. México |es|
Anonyme 11 |fr|
Daniel GONTIER, Allié. France |fr|
Gilda BIBIANO, Allie. Chile |es|
Siad REDOUANE, allié, Algérie |fr|
Jose Maria AMAYA, El Salvador |es|
Anonyme 26, SENEGAL |fr|
Roger GODINO, France |fr|
Gerardo ALATORRE, Non allie. Mexico |es|
Leida RYNHOUT, Ally, Belgium |en|
Augustin SINGBO, Allié, Benin |fr|
Muhammad KHAN, Allie. Pakistan |en|
Guy VANDEBROUCK, Non allie. Switzerland |en|
Pedro AVENDANO, Aliado. Canada |es|

All the answers


- Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World -
- Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind -