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globe logo     Caravan: Newsletter of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World
Number 8 June 2001

bulletTrip to Kenya
 · Unity is strength!
 · Peace: the no-choice option for Africa
bulletBooklets of Proposals
bulletDebate on Charter
bulletNgecha Artists
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Trip to Kenya
Unity is strength!

For the artist to survive, something had to be done. The talent needed divine intervention. And where can it be found than where a people come together for the common good. The self-taught artists in Ngecha (Kenya) realised that unity is strength. They formed Ngecha Artists Association. What for? With nothing but their talent and faith they hoped to make positive difference for themselves, their village, country and world as a whole. What ambition for such simple people!

Then the artists decided to start a village gallery to demystify art by bringing it closer to the people. This will easily elicit the dormant eye and soul for beauty. The young people are turning up in numbers in the gallery and though they cannot afford to buy art works, their admiration for it tells a lot. Another aim was to improve the artists intellectual, spiritual and financial status. A creator should never live in abject poverty. In fact nobody should. There is advantage in a group. Media coverage has been a blessing. Be it in newspapers, magazines, radios or TV documentaries. Not to forget some kind of friends we have been making throughout the struggle. The world 'tour' with Caravan which has introduced us to various places and different people with similar concerns as ours was god send. Those in more better position should help expose the talented less advantaged to the world. To give them that incentive to mature.

A good artist is the carrier of human heritage. Luckily most artists do art just for the love of it rather than for financial gain. It is in our blood and part of our culture. Ngecha Artists Association is also very ambitious. Its members believe that if the group could get its own plot around Ngecha village, they could convert it into an arts centre with all their dreams : a gallery, a museum, a theatre, a library and burst monuments for its heroes and heroines. And of course, any other idea to improve our education, entertainment and comfort of artists and art lovers who would be our guests. With that they will be in a position to influence change in their community and thus be able to form alliances with other groups which have been struggling like ours.

King Dodge (Kenya)

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