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Proposal for Street Dialogues around the World, in Parallel to the WSF 2005

by Hamilton Faria - Isis de Palma -

Hello, friends of the Alliance,

We invite all Allies and friends who are not going to the WSF 2005 to also organize “street conversations.”
Great idea “The planned cross-Terrain ’ street conversation’ activity" has inspired those who are not going to Porto Alegre.

The idea is to plan street dialogues at the same time in several other places of the world, in connection with the Porto Alegre dialogues, through the Internet. It is possible also to design a connection through the Internet (skype) with the Global Village. We are searching for participants from around the world. We request especially the participation of those are already implanted as voluntary activists (participation of inhabitants) in their communities.

Please, state your interest now, to constitute a small group of facilitators preparing the action for January through the Internet. Starting from the work of a first initial group, we can have as objectives:

1 - to organize a “dialogue” with a group of inhabitants in each part of the world on the same topic, which could be the “participation of inhabitants: reality? possibility? what does it consist in? what is its purpose?" or something of the kind.

2 - to organize it in a public place that has possibility of an Internet connection, with groups of inhabitants in the different places who will be able to share at that moment with the other groups in the world, Porto Alegre and/or others, through a mediator/facilitator and possibilities of translation ... perhaps with a “chat” program, but the best modalities will be determined together previously, beginning as soon as possible within a constituted group.

All those interested please contact Isis de Palma and Hamilton Faria, facilitators of the Street Conversations in Porto Alegre



World Social Forum
Allies at the WSF


URL : www.alliance21.org/2003/article330.html
PUBLICATION DATE: 25 November 2004