HomePreparationProgramme and ThemesCCSL Contacts Alliance World Assembly African Meeting Arab World Meeting Asian Meeting American Meeting European Meeting FrenchSpanish

Themes of the meeting
  • "Etat des lieux" in the different Arab countries represented in the meeting (democracy assessment, support of the Palestinian intifadah, Iraq and the embargo, internal conflicts and struggles for equality and justice).
  • The Arab world as seen by the rest of the world
  • The challenges facing local governance, and development in this part of the world (South Lebanon as a case study).
  • Solidarity between peoples.
  • The Arab declaration for the 3rd millenium.



The meeting will be held in the southern part of the country. A local association Dar al-inaya in Salhiyyeh (10 Km to the east of Sayda) will host participants. Working sessions will occur in different cites: in Salhiyyeh, in Nabatiyyeh, and in Darb Assim. Participants will also meet municipal councils, representatives of social movements in the region and discuss with them issues of local governance, citizenship, human development, and challenges facing their work. They will visit as well different southern villages and cities, including Khyam and its prison (the notorious one where the Israelis imprisoned Lebanese and Palestinian resistants), Khirbit Silim, Sour and Sayda.

The meeting will start with the press conference on the 21rst of June, followed by working sessions and visits till the 24th of the month.

Around 35 participants from Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria will attend, in addition to one participant representing the Asian meeting, and another representing the American one. Gustavo Marin will represent the FPH.

Access to the meeting is through Beirut, Sayda, and then Salhiyyeh.

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