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(The links to the regional meetings are in Spanish for the time being)

In America there is an evident increasing resistance to the neoliberal model, expressed as the need to recover and reassess the processes of struggle and democratization currently undertaken by different social movements. A major value in this struggle has been the respect for diversity and the opening of new intercultural spaces. The need to strengthen the processes at local level is becoming stronger as well as the need to articulate such processes regionally and continentally, thereby overcoming the traditional North-South dichotomy and evidencing that American peoples are making a dream together.

The 2001 World Assembly Process

People and groups participating in the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World form a movement in which everyone speaks on his/her behalf without denying his/her identity in search of collective alternatives to the present models of world, society and human being. In 1999 we elected an International Facilitation Team whose task was to articulate and facilitate relationships among allies and their initiatives in order to take together steps forward to consolidating alliances with all movements and proposals that represent transformative experiences for a responsible, plural and united world. One of the agreements was to organize a World Meeting in 2000 and 2001 designed as a series of thematic and continental meetings whose highest point would be the World Citizens' Meeting to be held in Lille (France) on December 2001.

Five continental meetings will be held from the 17th to the 26th of June, 2001. These meetings will be the geocultural contribution of the Alliance members to the World Meeting. All five meetings will have on common the 21st of June as an occasion for linking all continents.

Accordingly, the Alliance members from the continent met in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on September 2000 and formed four regional groups: North (United States and Canada); Central (Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America); Andean (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile); and South (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brasil). Each region defined its own guidelines and methods for action until June when a continental meeting in the half or the world (Quito) prepares a synthesis of the actions undertaken and designs the future process.

Each region determined its working areas according to its specific situation and topics of interest. Such guidelines and areas will structure each regional meeting: in the North: Anti Quebec summit, Continental Integration (Canada, April 2001); in Central America and the Caribbean: Social Movements, Indian Peoples, Solidarity Economy and Interculturality (Mexico, June 2001); in the Andes: Social Movements, Indian Peoples and Interculturality (Bolivia, February 2001); and in the South: Continental Integration (Paraguay, May 2001).

The Geocultural path

The Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World promotes the opening of spaces for reflection, discussion and construction of ideas and proposals concerning different alternatives of participation and action in thematic, collegial and geocultural aspects. The America 2001 Process.
works on the geocultural path, which focuses its work on the interests, needs and perceptions of a specific territory considering its own cultural particularities and potentialities. From the geocultural perspective, the 2001 World Assembly is based on a process of reflection, debate and coming out of ideas and commitments according to specific aspects of each continent, its particular world views, cultural references and styles of action.

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