Alliance World Assembly African Meeting Asian Meeting Arabian world European Meeting French Spanish Home Objectives Backrground June, 21st Agenda Contacts North Meeting Center Meeting Andin Meeting South Meeting Continental Meeting

June, 19th

09:00 Opening
Presentation of participants
Presentation of agenda
Formation of workgroups

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Group work
First step
Group work continued

17:00 End of working day

17:30 Exchange of experiences according to topics and countries


June 20th

09.00 Group work
Second moment
Group work continued

13:00 Break

14:30 Group work
Third moment
Group work continued

17:00 End of working day

17:30 Continental march against the Wall - 2003

June 21st

09:00 Plenary Session
Plenary Session

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Plenary Session

17:00 End of working day

17:30 Closing Act - UASB

June 22nd

Visits to different projects, groups, organizations and people in the Province of Imbabura


The methodology is participative and political. As such it responds to and agrees with the concepts of human being, organization and society that we want to build. Also, it contributes to a social transformation that seeks to make peoples' dreams come true.

It is a process of individual and collective transformation in which knowledge, life experiences and values are respected so that individuals and peoples may increase their awareness and self-realization by promoting their own development. This individual and collective process implies an exchange among people who critically reflect and theorize on their everyday practices in order to propose transformative actions for themselves and their reality. From a critical analysis of reality, participants will be able to order their ideas, improve their concepts, learn new contents and set new goals, thereby ensuring the feedback to social practices and linking knowledge to transformative actions (action - reflection - action).


The methodological process includes the following steps and moments:

  • Opening
  • Formation of workgroups
    - 1st step: talking about life experiences
    - 2nd step: reflecting on experiences - reflecting on what is known
    - 3rd step: back to experience, practice and action with feasible proposals
  • Plenary sessions : discussion and contributions of workgroups

Process at regional level

At regional level, each subregión will commit itself to feed the meeting process. Participants of the Meeting for each region, will be those who have taken an active part in the whole process and they will be selected on latest at the end of the month of May 2001.

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