African caravan Alliance Homme page Home Previsionnal Program June 21st, 2001 Objectives Participants Contacts World Assembly European Meeting American Meeting Asian Meeting Arab World Meeting

The Congress of African Refoundation will bring together African men and women from all social spheres. It will be a privileged space to:

- discuss and construct strategies and proposals, in order to carry out common actions and so build sustainable peace in Africa.
- share experiences and discover initiatives coming from other places: this is essential not only to enrich the discussion, but also to establish strategies and proposals through concrete initiatives.
- interpellate public powers: to encourage the spirit of dialog with the participants, representatives of public powers (OAU, heads of States) will be invited to this meeting.
- elaborate African proposals toward the World Assembly for a Responsible, Plural and United World, which will be held in Lille (France) from 2nd to 11th December 2001.

The meeting will be focused on the following subjects:

- governance: decentralization and regional integration; governance principles; social movements; reconciliation and justice; land and city management…
- economic issues: prospects for networks of African enterprises; land reform; role of Africa in the world economy; role of information and communication technologies; use of natural resources...
- values and society: higher education; arts, music and culture for peace; solidarity and ubuntu; fight against xenophobia and ethnophobia; health, above all AIDS…

To prepare the meeting and make a report on the above mentioned issues, an introductory document will be sent to all participants. It includes experience files from the data bank DPH (Dialogues for the Progress of Humankind). These files will be available for the participants during the meeting, so as to enrich the discussion in every workshop.


Since we do not want this meeting to become just a good moment without prospect for the future, there will be means and energy devoted to the capitalization, propagation and follow-up of the results yielded by this meeting.
The continental meeting will basically lead to the construction of a Panafrican network for peace. In a short-term, it will make an important contribution to the World Assembly of Lille, France, in December 2001.


African Charter for Peace and Solidarity
[FR] [29ko]
This Charter was redacted during the Congress of African Refoundation (only in french).

Refounding Africa
Document preparatory to the meeting at Dar Es Salaam
[152 ko]
(Concept paper + Experience Sheets)

- Concept Paper :
[138 ko]

[ 27 ko]

- Experience Sheets


Uptaded :