African caravan Alliance Homme page Home Previsionnal Program June 21st, 2001 Objectives Participants Contacts World Assembly European Meeting American Meeting Asian Meeting Arab World Meeting

The meeting will take place during a whole week, so that every participant has enough time to express his or her point of view. They will work mainly in workshops. Taking specific reports as a starting point, each workshop will have the task of elaborating strategic proposals and determining engagements for the future.

Previsional program

20th June

Arrival and accommodation of the participants

21st June

In the morning : opening session; schedule; participants' expectations

In the afternoon : participants are assigned to workshops on governance, economy, values, Drums for Peace

22nd - 23rd June



24th June

In the morning : shared analysis of workshop conclusions

In the afternoon : Drums for Peace

25th June

Discussion on the proposals; writing of the Charter; discussion on the follow-up

26th June

Adoption of the Charter and end of work


Publication of the final document and preparation of the World Assembly in Lille, France.

During the meeting, there will be several activities with a strong symbolism:

· On the 16th of June, there will be a vote for children all over the continent, in order that they determine which rights are the most important for African children.
· On the 21st of June, hundreds of groups will go out to the streets and take over different squares to beat the "Drums for Peace".



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