Preparation > Beginnings

In 1988, an international think tank, the Vézelay Group, launched a Call for a World States-General to prepare, through democratic means, the inevitable mutations that would have to take place in the twenty-first century. This Call led to the birth of the Alliance for a Responsible and United World. After seven years of work within the Alliance, the World Citizens Assembly was the concrete expression of this initial ambition. It was part of the emerging social movements forcefully stating that the world is not a merchandise and that we need to build the globalization of citizenship (FR). By providing a world forum of dialogue and reflection, it met an obvious emergency after the events of September 11, 2001.

  • A Short History of the Alliance
    1986 - 2001 - This history of the Alliance covers nearly fifteen years and two periods: 1986-1993, which preceded the birth of the Alliance, and 1994-2001, which constitutes the first cycle of its existence. An Alliance is made up of multiple initiatives and each Ally has their own history. This is therefore just an account that presents the beacons that led to the texts, methods, forms of organization, and events that gradually constituted the backbone of the Alliance as it can be seen, for example, on the Web site.

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