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Assembly > Medias > December 2001, 05

Analysis : 17 Topics for Thought and Discussion

Groups varying in size got debates under way on the 17 topics "chosen" by the computer and the mapping staff. Amid the heterogeneous array of concerns and objectives, common grounds were eventually found sometimes. But definite differences are still there, and they will be dealt with more deeply on Friday.

Fostering political, economic, cultural, and social rights in the name of dignity : Spirits became heated. The topics dealt with at the workshop were extremely complex. Proposals showered down. Everyone put forward their ideas. Participants seemed to agree on one idea: the need to educate citizens with two particular aspects in mind: the rights that they are entitled to, as well as the responsibilities that they have to assume. It is to attain dignity and respect that this sort of education is necessary. It should be included in school programs so that all young people learn the values upon which a "responsible, plural and united" world is based.

Reforming the state : To reform the state, the history and the distinctive characteristics of each society have to be taken into account so as to build effective institutions, people who are advocates of a partnership among men have to be found, rather than leaders whose only objective is to be in power. Improving the working conditions of members of Parliament (Congress) in order to attract worthy candidates is basic, since they are the ones who will endeavor to represent citizens with dignity.
" Gandhi's principles are the basis of the current debates: The state assumes its responsibilities without resorting to weapons or corruption, with the support of members of Parliament (Congress) who are not "addicted" to power.

Local development enhancing the value of everyone's initiatives and culture : Local development is the means for dealing with the economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects in order to achieve sustainable development. To many people, this was the first time that they had the chance to apprehend development from a point of view in which at first sight, what seems to be secondary in this respect is taken into account: the role of women, the importance of culture, the environment. Local development, however, comes from private initiatives, by citizens, men or women, teachers, artists, who, together, make development possible.

A free press to apprehend the world, exercise democratic power, and foster socially responsible actions : The question is far from being settled, assuming that it has to be settled. The classic media do not foster citizenship. To some people, they caricature countries, cultures, and citizens in search of something. But can the alternative press provide a solution? Yes, they can, some argue, but they have to be credible, sure, and reliable. Many are skeptical. The media have to be improved from the inside too…

Transparency, responsibility, and participation at all levels of governance. While a great number of workshops were discussing the way in which problems should be tackled, this work group split into five small groups that each had to make four to six proposals each on the issues that seemed the most urgent to them. When all the ideas were pooled, the only questions that were "authorized" were those meant to clarify the terms. The choice of major problems, as well as the strategies to be adopted to solve them will be discussed on Friday.

Education Workshop : Education seems to be the ideal element to approach the question of citizens' responsibility. In fact, it involves talking about the individual who has to learn and about the government or the family, which has to provide the learning of life, others, and society. A right or a tool, a right and a tool: the debates focused on education as a means to be integrated in society. How can we provide a sustainable, fair, and humane education?

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