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The process of drafting a Charter that defines the rights and responsibilities of humanity in facing the challenges of the 21st century is one of the key objectives of the Alliance. The Alliances’ work was initially linked to the project ‘Charter of the Earth’ (with the United Nations elaborating and adopting a text that would complement the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the UN charter on Environmental Questions). The Alliance now works separately, seeking to accentuate the importance of taking into account the diversity of cultural approaches and the concrete translation of the principles in the charter.

The Proposal booklets

Governance Workgroup
Inhabitants [in French] [draft in Spanish]
Local Authorities [in French]
Public Authorities

Socio-economy of Solidarity Workgroup
Conduct of companies

Values, Education and Culture Workgroup
Charter on human responsabilities


The charters and World Citizens Assembly

The World Citizens Assembly will take place in Lille in December 2001 and will constitute an essential step in confronting all these different approaches to the Charter with each other. On this basis, a debate is to be engaged on the common ethical foundations for managing our planet. This will complement the work done on ‘breakthroughs’ and the strategies of change for the 21st century.

>> Site of the World Citizens Assembly

>> The Proposal Booklets

A reflection of different milieus and fields of activity on the collective responsibility: Collegial Charters.

The question of responsibility towards the world is not limited to individual responsibility, taken for professionals to be exercised only within the respect of a deontology in their trade. Responsibility is linked to the global impact of a milieus activity. As such, one can refer to the collective responsibility of scientists, consumers, companies, shareholders, etc. The "colleges" in the Alliance bring together people from one social or professional background in order to initiate a thought process on their own practice. This can ultimately be translated into a code of practice or something of the same type.

An intercultural work process concerning the values discusses: the ‘Charter’ Workshop.

>> The Charter of Human Responsibilities

Editing and distribution of the charters

The charters are submitted to a process of collective edition en several languages within the network created for the Proposal Booklets .This network brings together institutional or associative publishers based in Peru, Brazil, Zimbabwe, France, Lebanon, India and China.

>> See The Editors Charter.

© 2001 Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. Tous droits réservés.
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