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Arian's thread
Arian's thread

A Few Conclusions ...

June 23rd, 2001

At the Lebanon meeting, a joint declaration has announced its determination to build, in the Arab countries, a rule of law, freedom, and justice, and to adopt democracy as a culture, as a system of values and as a political system. It also calls the free men and women, and the intellectuals of the world to support the Palestinian cause. Finally, the participants have underscored the need to create more such necessary places of debate, such as this meeting.

In Asia, as the meeting came to an end in the Fireflies Ashram, it offered its conclusions: a new eco-social-spiritual vision for the necessary political struggle as we enter the twenty-first century; a common basis for inspiration founded on a deep respect for Mother Earth and on a vision of Inter-existence, Inter-being, Inter-connectedness, and Inter-dependence. "What we do to others and to the earth, we do to ourselves." In a few weeks, they will offer a final report of the meeting.

From Africa, they have told us of their homage to Julius Nyerere, president of Tanzania from 1961 to 1984, for his commitment to peace processes in the region, his unitedness with the people, and his struggle for a development policy based on domestic needs. After days of work, the deliberations of the different groups will now feed the African Charter for Peace and Solidarity.

A message from an Ally, Pinky Cupino, on the e-forum of the Alliance highlights the diversity of the analyses and proposals in the different meetings with a single common ideal-to create our global society and encourages us to apply their results.

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