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News of the Alliance > Forum for the evaluation of the Proposals

How can you participate?

Forum : Evaluate proposals

To participate, you can follow the following steps :
1. Read the texts
2. Register (for the first time)
3. Evaluate the texts (you must sign in)
4. Indicate your level of agreement on the following proposals (if you consider them to be necessary and applicable in the next few years).
5. Go to the “Comment” icon, and add your comments or amendments ; possible projects for the practical introduction of proposals are also welcome.
6. If you have a new proposal, please include it in the “I propose to add a new article” space (this option only applies to facilitators and is not automatically published on the web).
7. To send your evaluation, click “Accept”.
8. Select a new text and repeat the procedure.

The option View the evaluations allows you to see what proposals have been selected as being the most valuable by all participants, as well as read any comments given.
If you are interested in receiving the weekly text of proposals in a questionnaire form (in MS Word) and the corresponding “Desirable News” (in PDF) by e-mail, please indicate the language preferred: Español / Français / English / Português / Català, at the following address :
You may evaluate this text directly on the web site, but if you are not able to do so, you may send your completed questionnaire, along with your personal information to We will include your evaluation on the web site where you are welcome to consult the results.
Please do not hesitate to invite any contacts, groups, organisations, and networks that you may know to participate in this process for the collective evaluation of proposals toward creating a better world for us all.

Finally, I would like to thank the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation (FPH) for their support in this initiative, and to you and all those participating, for your invaluable contribution to this complex yet thrilling task of the collective preparation of proposals for a responsible, plural and united world.

Forum for the Cross-evaluation of the Proposals for a Responsible, United and Plural World

In the course of the last 4 years, dozens of groups that are part of the Alliance for a Responsible, United and Plural World have put together some 60 Proposals Papers and Breakthroughs that were presented at the World Citizens Assembly (Lille, December 2001) and are currently being published and distributed in a number of languages (French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese).

We invite you to participate in this Forum for the Cross-evaluation of Proposals for a Respon-sible, Plural and United World so you may know and evaluate these Proposals. We want to offer you the opportunity to contribute to the prioritization of the most significant and applicable, partial and sectoral, proposals that will contribute to the collective elaboration of new visions and societal models that include and integrate every area.

In order to facilitate this task, each week, for a period of 15 months, between October 2002 and De-cember 2003, we shall be publishing a text that includes the proposals from a Thematic Workshop or Socioprofessional Network extracted from the Breakthroughs, so that you may have the oppor-tunity to read them, indicate your level of agreement or disagreement, and share your comments, amendments or alternatives.

We also invite you to suggest projects for the practical application of the proposals that, in your opinion, are the most innovative and feasible, and finally, that you indicate those proposals that are most decisive and well placed to generate alternatives to the current globalisation model.

We are confident that reading these summaries will encourage you to read the Proposals Papers, which include a comprehensive collection of proposals, as well as indications on strategies for their application.

We will then use the evaluation results and feedback received to draw up a summary document on those proposals that have received the highest evaluations (projects and alternatives). This docu-ment will be presented at a seminar organised by the Alliance at the 4th World Social Forum in January of 2004, and may also be presented in other meetings such as the Universal Forum of Cul-tures, Barcelona 2004.

It is our hope that your cooperation will assist us in identifying the main proposals that will make a responsible, plural and united world possible.

Evaluate proposals


© 2001 Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire. Tous droits réservés.